Hello There!

18 | she/it | "full"-stack

Quick - about me

You can hover over icons to get a tooltip, and some you can click to go places.


Operating Systems

Communication Platforms



Frameworks & Libraries

Notable Projects

Nio-BotA bot framework for the matrix ecosystem
dendritecliA command line interface for interacting with the Dendrite homeserver.
ModManA CLI mod manager for minecraft servers.
College Bot v2Specialised chat bot in discord for my college server.[]
drop-in-url-previewsA drop-in proxy URL preview server for Matrix
SpannerA really informational discord botv3
YourAppsA discord bot that trailblazed the discord forms market with, at its peak, 2.5k servers, and over 5 million users.proprietary
Top.pyAn alternative python API wrapper for thetop.ggAPI

Notable Contributions

These are projects I have contributed to, but not necessarily created or had a major role in.

Projects listed here had code contributions - other contributions, such as issues or design insights, are not included.

PyCord"Pycord, a maintained fork of discord.py, is a python wrapper for the Discord API"
matrix-nio"A Python Matrix client library, designed according to sans I/O principles"
discord.py"An API wrapper for Discord written in Python"

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